Saturday, February 18, 2012

Where Am I and How Did I Get Here?

I feel like I am in a perfect place.
I wake up every morning I get together with my friends and have a morning devotion.
I eat a tasty and healthy breakfast.
I go to class where the teachers are enthusiastic and passionate
I eat again with friends
I work out in a really nice gym
I go to a Bible Study and learn more about God
I do some Academic Studying
Then I eat dinner with friends
I go to sleep after talking with friends.
I end the day with Prayer.

I don't know exactly what God wants to do in my life but He is so involved in my life that I cannot doubt Him. He won't let me doubt Him. I feel like He leads me to places and shows me what is most important. I am so thankful for His involvement in my life. I feel like He is only involved in my life though. I don't see other people thanking the Lord for small things and people don't often tell me how God has personally intervened in their life.
In Jeremiah 23:23 it says "I am a God near at hand. . . and not a God far off," God dwells within our life and He is within a hands reach. God is not far away dealing with other world and not being involved in our lives. HE IS HERE. He is within an arms reach and yet we don't see His presence in our lives? How can that be? I think before I came to Southern I began seeing Gods presence in my life. I began to realize how much God had blessed me. I don't know if before I thought my life was insignificant...but I know now for sure that I have a purpose. And that Purpose is to Fulfill Gods Will.
Looking back, wow, God has been with me all of my life. When I say all of my life, I mean ALL OF MY LIFE. As I write this, I now have become to realize that I have never been alone and I have never felt alone because the Lord has walked me through every horror of my life and every amazing moment of my life. Now all I want is for the Lord to take me home, show me the way, and never let me go.

I know that I may feel this way and others might not feel that way, But I promise you brother or sister, that God has never left your side. Look at your life and be amazed at His presence and involvement to keep you as his son or daughter. Open your eyes and see what a Loving God he is. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Word came

John 1:14: And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth

When we look at this verse we see that it is in the New Testament and is in the context of speaking about Jesus Christ.
Instead of saying "Jesus Christ" is says the "Word." But why would it say Word instead of plainly saying Jesus. Is there a reason for this replacement of words?
In this verse it is describing Jesus Christ as the Word. Jesus was the incarnation of God's promises, miracles, and morals. Jesus came to Earth and fulfilled the Word, He fulfilled the prophesy of His coming. Jesus kept the Law of Moses, Jesus glorified His Father and represented the truth of our loving God.
I read this and it is the entire Bible in a nutshell. God said He would save us from the very beginning and here is where Jesus actually comes and saves us. He died and now we may live eternally with God in heaven.