Saturday, July 12, 2014

Where is the modern Enoch?

I don't know if you have ever felt this way, but there are times I read the Bible and I become envious of the Faith of our fathers, or the patriarchs and the prophets. They had so much faith in God. They walked in the directions that God led them and made great nations, sure they made mistakes and were human like the rest of us, but they left such a huge impact in this world and they are one of the reasons that the gospel is still alive today.
Somewhere through the passing of these torches we have had a slowing down of faithfulness to God, its like we all have lost grasp of the gospel and are trying to understand what got lost along the way. We've lost the fervor. 
Where is the gospel? I know TV shows and movies and MTV are not really helping, Facebook and Tumblr have cool pages about Jesus that I can follow. Yet, there is something that is still missing. Where is the grand revelation of God? Where can I find that? 

Why are there no kings, like Nebuchadnezzar, that look at our faith and say "wow, your God is the true God."

Lets take a look at Jesus, He had the most amazing relationship with God. He spend most of His life (about 30 years) working a regular job, but there was something about Him that kept Him fully connected to God. When He started His ministry He would pray often and draw away spend time with God and in between He would serve others, perform miracles, preach, and travel. I remember this one verse that really struck me. 
"Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
Jesus didn't make a home here, He was just a passerby, His thoughts were eternal not carnal. If Jesus would have gotten caught up in His earthly life then we would have no hope. He was the hands and feet of God on Earth. Although He was clothed in humanity He was so connected with God that He was obedient even when it came to suffering. He was so connected to the Father that in Gethsemene he suffered to the point of sweating blood because of serious separation anxiety. It was painful to not be in the full presence of the Father. Jesus experienced a piercing pain as the guilt of the world laid upon Him, the sins of the world were separating Him from God. 
Jesus is our prime example, He spend more time with God than with anyone else (especially when He was ministering), His vision, His life, His walk are steps that we are able to follow. We might say that He was God and that it is impossible for us to ever be like Him, but God is not the God of the finite, the possible, but the impossible. Jesus said that every miracle and every word was not His own but His Fathers. Jesus was extremely dependent on God.

You tell yourself, sure I accepted Jesus as my Savior but why haven't I experienced that full presence and communication with God like Moses did when he spoke face to face with God? I want to be able to hear God's voice wherever I go, so I can obey His every call, and join hands with God. In fact, there are times you just want to jump into the Bible and experience what it was like to be one of the disciples, the stresses, the pressure, the tense atmosphere. What was it like? 

Why have you not attained a better relationship with God? Why are you not walking with God like Enoch, or preaching the gospel to many nations like Paul? 

This is why, you've settled. For some reason you have told yourself that you cannot do what the prophets did, or be like the patriarchs. Because "things don't work that way anymore" and "I'm in school." Excuses. Excuses.

God is alive right now, Jesus is enthroned with the Father. The Holy Spirit is working in you and me right now. God promised us so much, if Peter and John who were apostles after the resurrection of Jesus could do it, then we could do it. The Bible is not fantasy, it is the breath of God that is to give us life so that we too can partake in the story of redemption. 

No, I'm not here to offer you a solution, I'm here just to tell you to wake up. It's time you stop settling in your faith, thinking its sufficient and that it will slowly grow over the next ten years...
You don't need time. You just need to experience Jesus, submersed yourself in Jesus. Listen to Jesus, tune your ear to hear, warm up your voice to speak, and open your eyes to see the work that Jesus is doing and will continue to do in you. 
Jesus said that He would send us the Holy Spirit, the only thing is are we accepting the Holy Spirit? Do we even want the Holy Spirit? Do we trust the Holy Spirit? 

Don't settle. It's time we stop thinking that we can never be like the patriarchs because then we are limiting our God. God is doing greater things today but you just haven't experienced it yet. Just prepare yourself to receive the spirit. Because its time that we allow ourselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To shake the world up and hasten His coming. 

Texts used: (2 Corinthians 5:21) (Luke 22) (John 14:16,26) (Galatians 5:16) (James 5:7)

This message is strongly for myself. Pray that I too accept this call to get out of my stagnant state. #prayerappreciated

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