Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My desire

There is a song called My Desire by Anthony Evans, it has been such an amazing song that always wants to make me live life right and for the honor and glory of God. I know for Christians we all desire to be the best we can be, which means purging yourself of the sins you might be holding on to. 
I've had instances in my life where I so badly wanted to let go of a sin that I knew was not helpful with my relationship with God. I could function and minister fine and my relationships with others were unaffected, so I thought. Since I could function fine with the sin lingering there I knew that I could maybe keep this one and it was approved by God. I couldn't resist the temptation. But that is where God comes in and makes it ten times easier. God will hold your hand through it all. Isn't that amazing? I'm so amazed by Gods hand in my life. God is so good. Give up that sin holding you back!! You don't need that temptation. You need the one who conquered all temptation. 
I need the one who conquered all temptation. 
1 Corinthians 10:13

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