I'm trying to improve my health by sleeping more, I have been working a lot to pay off my school bill, I have been studying a lot to make sure I keep my grades going well, and I have been spending time with God so that I can maintain that relationship with Him.
I have been so worried about neglecting all these things because of lack of time but I forgot one thing, God. He gives me rest when I am burdened..such a simple and honest message. He is the only one that doesn't yell at me when I don't spend enough time with Him, He is the only one that doesn't make me feel bad by giving me a bad grade if I don't give my best. He is the only one that gives me REST when I come to work with Him.
He is the opposite of everything that gives me stress. I love how He just sings to me "come to me you weary Valerie, and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"
Matthew 11:28
Pray for me brothers and sisters, NOT to take spending time with God as another burden to my list, but as my time to unload and rest in Christ the burden bearer.
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