Friday, July 31, 2009

A girls obsession

Patrick and Kat Pictures, Images and Photos

The Bad ass that every girl loves:

Antisocial, yet artistic

handsome, yet not the typical pretty boy

Cocky, but sincere

Careless, yet concerned

Serious, yet charming

Unpredictable, yet promising

There's always this "thing" about him that no girl can resist.

The way he looks at you, and when he finally gives a hint of a smile

He always tends to have a secret that you want to uncover, and this secret explains his mysterious ways.

Its an exciting adventure that keeps you wanting more.

These guys drive all girls crazy, they have good qualities that you have to dig deep and find yourself, or if he thinks your worthy of seeing his true self, he'll show you

but some girls get bad ass and jerk confused.

a Jerk is similar to the mysterious bad ass in certain ways but doesnt have the "good personality" part.

Jerks can be good looking, mysterious, artistic, charming...

all those things, but he has a different manner.

10 Ways to know if he's a jerk:

1. He breaks promises

2. He hurt your feelings and laughed it off

3. His "mysterious secret" is you

4. He isn't loyal

5. He doesn't treat women with respect

6. He lies to get closer to you

7. He can care less about what you think

8. He's very concerned about his image

9. He "doesn't notice" the heavy things your carrying

10. He brags about his looks

There is a BIG difference ladies so watch out!

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