Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This is an AMAZING MOVIE. The world that James has created is definitely something different. Go see it!

Avatar Pictures, Images and Photos

Girl You Got Skill!

singing his heart out to ireland Pictures, Images and Photos

I was riding the metro to pasadena and in the metro I found myself staring at a girl around the age of 24, she had this amazing voice. Now you may be wondering how I knew this...she was singing songs loudly in the train to attract attention. She was drunk and from the looks of it, she might have been a druggie that lives in the streets. I felt horrible because I wanted to tell her how great her voice was, but something kept holding me back...it might have been pride, embarrassment, or just plain out fear of rejectment.
So why is it that everytime i want to take action and do something good or nice, I cant take action! In the moment I feel like I am not prepared to have conversations with people about motivation, hope, and possibly God.
Since I have missed that oppuntunity I am working on improving my public speaking skills. I definitely want to talk to those who need to be motivated, the homeless, the damaged, those who have no one that cares.

Verse of the day: 2 Corinthians 5:7

Song/video of the day:

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Happily Drunk

When people are Drunk and they make irresponsible decisions are they aware of the fact, are they totally convinced that what they are doing is okay, or are they just being "funny?"

Can they really tell that they are drunk or do they thing they are sober?

Do they have a drinking problem if they put the lives of their children at risk?

The Statistics:

250,000 people have died in alcohol related accidents in the past 10 years.

Presently 25,000 people are killed each year in alcohol related accidents.


Sure this is bad news ...but when a parent drives under the influence with their children in the car, it seems ten times worse! The parent is responsible for caring for their children not putting them in danger!

I understand that they can not make wise decisions when they are drunk, but parents should think about their children before they drink. If they are going to drink they should designate a driver, or if both parents are drunk then they should call for a taxi.

In fact I would encourage that parents lay off the wine, beer, whiskey, whatever they are drinking! Because setting a good example for your children should be your priority, not having drunken fun.

Verse of the day: Proverbs 4:7

Song of the day: Nothing Left to Lose-Matt Kearney

Friday, July 31, 2009

A girls obsession

Patrick and Kat Pictures, Images and Photos

The Bad ass that every girl loves:

Antisocial, yet artistic

handsome, yet not the typical pretty boy

Cocky, but sincere

Careless, yet concerned

Serious, yet charming

Unpredictable, yet promising

There's always this "thing" about him that no girl can resist.

The way he looks at you, and when he finally gives a hint of a smile

He always tends to have a secret that you want to uncover, and this secret explains his mysterious ways.

Its an exciting adventure that keeps you wanting more.

These guys drive all girls crazy, they have good qualities that you have to dig deep and find yourself, or if he thinks your worthy of seeing his true self, he'll show you

but some girls get bad ass and jerk confused.

a Jerk is similar to the mysterious bad ass in certain ways but doesnt have the "good personality" part.

Jerks can be good looking, mysterious, artistic, charming...

all those things, but he has a different manner.

10 Ways to know if he's a jerk:

1. He breaks promises

2. He hurt your feelings and laughed it off

3. His "mysterious secret" is you

4. He isn't loyal

5. He doesn't treat women with respect

6. He lies to get closer to you

7. He can care less about what you think

8. He's very concerned about his image

9. He "doesn't notice" the heavy things your carrying

10. He brags about his looks

There is a BIG difference ladies so watch out!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Random stuff I come across

Okay so every time that I go online I see something on Yahoo that's totally ridiculous or at least worth talking about.

Today it was "The Surprising Ingredient that is Fattening" apparently MSG is really bad for your diet....What is MSG? you always hear "oh there's no MSG in our soups" or "we substitute MSG with some other crap" WHAT IS IT?

So I took the time to find out...

"Maybe you're wondering what monosodium glutamate is exactly, and what you can do to avoid it in your diet. MSG is a flavor enhancer in foods—some believe it may even provide a fifth basic taste sensation (in addition to sweet, sour, salt, and bitter), what the Japanese call "umami" (roughly translated as "tastiness"). MSG is considered an "excitotoxin," since its action in the body is to excite neurotransmitters (important brain chemicals), causing nerve cells to discharge and also exciting nerves related to taste. Perhaps this ability to excite these nerves is a factor in an association between increased MSG usage and weight gain."-yahoo.com (source)

Thank you for explaining that yahoo (:

Another interesting article i came across was about finding some of the oldest fossils in lakes NOT the ocean...

IN YOUR FACE EVOLUTIONIST! Just accept the fact that there is a God out there, and he made this joint.

Eminem feuds with Mariah Carey!!! yeah we all know that, because they have horrible songs that sing about thier hate for each other.

Bagpipes From Baghdad by eminem is 10x better than "Obsessed" by mariah carey. Its a horrible song and video, she can't be funny!

Kelly Clarkson had an interview with some Canadians and apperently Ryan Tedder gave Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson the same track to write a song to!

So Beyonces "halo" is the same thing as Kelly's "already gone" except different lyrics :O

Compare yourself! Sucks for Kelly

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "Drums" from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

EVERYONE was excited to see the new Tranformers movie, Revenge of the Fallen. With hotties Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf.

People had been counting down the days and buying midnight tickets.

Excitement grew from watching the movie trailers...

The day I watched that movie, I was SO disappointed! MAYBE it was because I knew most of the movie "surprises" before I watched or it was just plain out bad...

People kept telling me how great it was, so I was expecting it to be ten times better than the first one. I shouldn't have because the movie was bad...the beginning with shia going to college for two days and Megan's dad getting out of jail was totally pointless. It has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Megan's dad was in the movie for 5 seconds and so was the deceptacon that was disguised as a pretty girl. They shouldn't have killed her off so quickly! I dont even remember what the point of the movie was, I might have to watch it again to like it a little bit better. It may have just been the location, time, and the people I was watching it with. But it seems that alot of the reviews are bad, so I might be right.

The action was great though! Autobots vs. the Deceptacons! All of their cool transformations and sound effects to go with it. AMAZING! OH and the story line with the FALLEN and how they had come to earth before and there was a war and how the primes came together and protected the key. That was really cool. I guess the best parts in the movie was when the deceptacons and autobots had most of the lines and actions parts. It definitely got better at the end.

The transformers selections of music throughout the movie was great to.

Georges Bistro at the third street promenade

The food is'nt the best there but if you do go...

BEST DISH: Feduccini Alfredo, its a creamy deliciousness, with added vegetables and mmm so good.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Ghetto

I was at my ghetto recently, and I wanted some cookies [the really good chocolate covered ones, you know...] so I asked my mom if I could go down the street to buy some. My mom of course freaked and told me I can't walk down the street by myself...blah blah blah [shes a little bit over protective] [love you mom!], so she eventually walked down with me. While my mom and I were in line some drugged up O.G. walks up to us and asks us what gang we're from, Avenues or 18, personally I was insulted by the question because I don't think I look ghetto in any way at all, maybe my mom can a little but not me, anyways so my mom was trying to be nice and was like "Oh neither, hopefully those gangs don't exist anymore" then the O.G. said "NAH Avenues is still strong, they can never take us down." then he just stood there until we left.

But then and there I began to wonder what it would be like to be a "G" or a gangsters girlfriend.

how hard can it be right?

Responsibilities of a "G"[18] :

1. Get a big 18 or 666 tattooed on your body, then walk around your hood with your shirt off.

2. Stab you leg a couple times to get that gangsta limp/walk

3. Respect the main man, and do what he wants, or die. Its your choice

4. Learn their gang sign [make an 18 with your hand] and tilt your head up showing your chin when you do it

5. Wear some brown/black shorts with a white/black tee and some air force ones, or some other kind of big white shoes with high socks

6. Beat someone up or kill someone with no regrets or pity, if you want to cry tatoo a tear on your face instead

Responsibilities of a "G's" girl:

1. Don't tell anyone your boyfriends shit or you'll die

2. Make your boyfriend feel better and like a man, or he'll beat you

3. Watch out for the cops, because he's the one making the money and protecting you, if the pigs catch him your screwed.

4. When he gets caught, bail him out or else he'll beat you or kill you when he does gets out.

5. Take the beating when he needs to take out his anger or he'll beat you more, oh and accept his apologies after the beatings, no nagging about the pain! its annoying...

6. Be FAITHFUL or you die.

isn't that lovely and easy!

see it's not that bad

you just have to let the man do whatever he wants to stay alive!

[unless you have a really nice gangsta boyfriend]

If you really think about it, all it is is respect and obedience to those above you. A gang is a brotherhood, a family, they watch each others backs and actually love one another. Living a gangster life can wear you out so much, because it requires the numbing of your emotions and physical labor and punishment. Sure they kill people, but they do it for the protection of their "family." Most of the people in gangs had hard childhoods with parents that didn't care or love them. So these children took matters into their own hands and join a gang that will care for them and love them. We see them as criminals that steal our money and kill our loved ones, when in fact, they are the victims too. They didn't get the love they deserved so they do not think we deserve to have love either.

The majority of gang members come from poor families that live pay check by pay check and sometimes they don't get a pay check, then what? They're screwed. Some kids think that joining a gang is the only way they can get money for their family. Easy and quick money to support a family sounds good to the kid, but once they get into a gang they can get out. They earn more and more, and they forget what they did it for and start to think about their new family, the gang. You never see rich kids joining gangs, because they don't need it. Poor kids that see themselves with lesser values see gangs as an opportunity to getting by in life. They should be offered more choices. Sure, not all gang members have good intentions, but a lot of them do...in the beginning at least.

Living in a bad neighborhood exposes you to so many bad things when you are a kid. You see people with so much hate towards others and disrespect for one another. So when you see someone get killed for the first time, you can either freak out, get pissed, or just plain out ignore it. For those that get angry some become cops, and some become gangstas or drug dealers. If the person that was killed was a loved one, they immediately want revenge. Revenge by killing one of their loved ones or killing the killer. Another event that might cause a kid to join a gang is rape. If their girlfriend, mother, sister etc. get raped somehow [knock on wood] they have so much hate for that person that they want revenge. Revenge can put us in deadly situations that no one wants to be in. So give the youngsters some slack and help them out.

What I'm trying to say is that as Nice People (thanks to the big man up top) we should try to reach out to them not judge them for what they do. We all sin, no sin is bigger than the other in God's eyes. Now lets give them the love they deserve.

Song of the day: Remember the name- Fort Minor
Verse of the day: Philippians 3:13-14 [this requires that you open a bible] (:

Thursday, June 11, 2009


How much dancing has changed through the years:

in the 50's dancing was all about poodle skirts and leather jackets, and once they hit the dance floor they whipped out some cool moves. Swing dancing was their thing.


60's dancing is basically the same thing.

70's dancing is like this:


80's dancing:


90's dancing:




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=533yn6VTtpg (danny's type of dancing)

Its just dancing isn't dancing anymore unless your a professional. I'd like to see some real dancing when it comes to grad night and parties. Sure grinding is fun and all but, wouldn't it be way more fun and entertaining if everyone actually showed their dancing skills on the dance floor? Its not like you have to be an amazing dancer you just have to be able to move your feet.
If you've got it show your stuff!

So here is an instructional video of how to better your dancing: enjoy!


and if your really serious about learning here's another video:


Jesus Part:

Being alone, its great when you it can just be you and having sometime for yourself to just reflect on what has been going on in your life.
I was reading in this book about having your "me time."
Where you can just go somewhere and relax and focus on yourself for a while.
Sometimes we make decision without thinking about them carefully and consulting God before we do them.
That doesn't mean that every second of every day we should be asking God if we should choose a bagel or a pretzel. Our thoughts and decisions should be well though out and analyzed.

For example: Lets say a friend offers you some weed, all your friends are doing it and no one will ever find out that you don't want to have find out, so you take it and your high for a little bit talk some stupid shit and its over. So then you go home and face the people that REALLY care about you. Your mom, dad, sister, or brother, the people that grew up with you or raised you...and you know inside that if they knew or found out it would be heartbreaking to them. They would most likely beat themselves up thinking that they did something wrong in raising you.
You have to consider every possible factor about your decision. Think about who it would benefit and who is would hurt.

Song of the day: To be surprised- Sondre Lerche
Its a great song that puts you in a better mood (:

Verse of the day:
Proverbs 3:5-7

Monday, June 1, 2009



For me finals are HELL, because I stress like crazy and have anxiety attacks. Another problem is I fall asleep while studying, Daydream, and just plain out fail to stay focused.

So I'm trying out some methods that will help relieve my stress and keep me focused!


When your studying you want to be in a location where your comfortable so here are some location tips:
  • Study in an area where there is alot of room so you can spread things out
  • Make sure there is bright lighting [not to bright] so that you wont get sleepy. No dim romantic lights <3>
  • Make sure that there isn't that many distractions, but don't study in an absurdly quiet place.
  • Make sure there is people around that wont distract you, but will encourage your smartness, or admire it. Show off a little (:
  • Good room temperature!


Expand your studying time into many days. Do NOT study at the last minute, you'll find yourself worrying alot more. So begin studying 3 days before your final. Separate your studying material into 2 or 3 sections.

Day 1: study for 2 hours a section of your material on one subject.
Then give your self an hour break [eat or go walk out side, don't begin to watch T.V. or go on the Internet (unless its for studying reasons, but I suggest you refrain from it even if you need to use the computer, print out what you need and that's it.) this will most likely cause laziness/procrastination or you can lose track of time.
Once your hour break is done come back to your study area and begin studying the next subject.

Day 2: same thing

Day3: Study all the sections together with NO breaks until the next subject!

Foods to avoid during finals:

  • Hot Tea ,Coffee, and Cocoa

  • Junk foods and fast foods [no IN-N-OUT!]

  • egg yolks

  • Butter, Cheese, Shrimp, and Meat

  • Nuts [cashews, almonds etc.]

  • Sodas, chocolate drinks and hot drinks

  • Sugar

Instead replace the banned fatty food with some healthy food choices that keep you awake and focused (they also help relieve stress too!):

  • Home made Fruit Smoothies-Ingredients: milk, ice, fruit of your choice, and honey[instead of sugar] it will make you feel fresh and rejuvenated!

  • Fresh Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, plums, and tomatoes.

  • Avocados!♥

  • California Rolls [sushi]

  • Lots of Water and Iced Tea

Make it Fun:

  • Use cool color highlighters and pens to note important things
  • wear glasses to make you look smarter!
  • make flashcards with cool designs to help you remember
  • take a sketchpad to draw out some descriptions or help you remember something.

Song of the day:

Bathwater-No Doubt

Verse of the Day: Psalm 147:13,14

One of my very good friends told me something that was a obstacle in his path and I believe that this person truly has a BIG purpose in life and will someday change the world. If you stay in Gods path he will reward you, but that means we are going to have to be tested, to see if we can truly hold on. God looks at you and sees your potential. You should be able to look at yourself and see it too.

GOD BLESS and goodnight (:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

first blog

Reason why I decided to make a blog:
1. I wanted a way to post my thoughts about things [not personal stuff] like movies and music.
2. To ask questions that the general public could answer.
3. last one! To share some of my optimism with people (:

So the first thing I've got to say is...
"Jolene"- white stripes.
What is up with that song? No kidding I LOVE the song but there's something wrong...
first of all its a guy singing it and he's saying "please don't take my man, Jolene"
what is he trying to say?
he's gay? or is this some generalization? I DONT UNDERSTAND!
maybe his exwife wrote the song.

So I'm trying to read the whole Bible in a year. and today im reading Ruth 4.

I was listening to Ode to Joy today and for some reason i felt like it was a really cool "IM GOING TO CONQUER THE WORLD" [not in an evil way but more like a I'm going to give it my all and reach my goals sort of thing] kind of song. It was awesome (:

Song of encouragement:
Raise it up- August Rush Soundtrack


Far too many pressures in reality
Dealing with the stress and pain and poverty
And I got to be myself because...
there's nobody else for me, no
Hang in there with me
Sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
So don't give upSo don't give up
When pressures come down
Sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile
So raise it up
So raise--
Hang in there with me
Sometimes we need another helping hand to show the way
So don't give up
So don't give up
When pressures come down
Sometimes it seems impossible
That's why we pray.
So raise it up
We pray.
Seems to be nothing left for me
Momma's gone
Daddy didn't want to be
Now I'm all by myself
Wondering where is love
Or should I just give up...you know
Life falls down on me
Cuts into my soul
But I know I've got the strength to make it through it all
'Cause I'm still standing tall
Breaking through these walls
I'm going to get my own--

Feeling like a motherless child
Hate cuts into my soul
It bending me down
Can't find the smile on the face of a motherless child
Gonna break down these walls
Gonna get my own
You know...Ya, ya, ya, ya.
Hang in there with me
Sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
So don't give up
So don't give up
When pressures come down
Sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile
So raise it up
So raise it up
Hang in there with me
Sometimes it takes another's helping hand to show you the way
So don't give up
So don't give up
When pressures come down
Sometimes it seems impossible
That's why we pray.