Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reconsideration and Affirmation

Today, I spent a couple hours doubting myself and doubting my intentions.
Others had pointed out that I'm rushing and doing things for the wrong reason
My friends were convinced that I was following my dreams and supported me totally.
I thank God for them, they showed me the true reason for my decisions.
Given the pressure of making the right decision, I took a step back and reconsidered my attendance to a certain university and quickly researched my other options.
I suddenly felt free and like what I was doing was correct.
I let myself soak in the information and found that maybe I would like to go to a different university.
I pondered the thought and was happy with my open-mindedness
I felt like looking further so I looked up youtube videos.
Affirmation crept up my spine as I watched the spirituality of my original decision.
I remain open minded yet I also saw that I wasn't making rash decisions.
I really did see something in Tennessee. 

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