Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Defeat through Jesus

I have been struggling
I kept telling myself that in order to change my ways I had to stop thinking about it and keep away from certain things.
But last night, I had a horrible nightmare about me being evil.
I woke up frightened and felt like I was indeed unable to escape my evil ways.
I felt like crying, I felt hopeless.
I kneeled side my bed and began to pray, "God I cannot do this on my own, I am a sinner, I cant keep myself from my evil ways. Lord Help me, Please."
I began my regular activities and felt like I had unpacked a huge load.
Here I was, trying to carry this load myself and not asking for help. Instead I tried doing it all on my own. God was just begging me to give him my burden but I kept refusing and refusing.
Last weeks Sabbath lesson was about depending on God.
I told myself that I knew that already and not depending on God was not a problem for me.
I was totally wrong. Sometimes I think I am okay and that I don't need certain advice or help
but I am quickly shown that I do need it. I need God.
everyone does, we are all sinners falling short of the glory of God.
I thank God for taken that burden off of me, I felt free
Ones spiritual life is an everyday dedication
You can't do it one day then not another because then you find yourself lost and say "how did I get here?"
Take Gods hand and He will help you
Dont try to carry your own burdens because one day we will become exhausted and give up
with the help of God we can walk freely, without load, without worry.

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