As I was revising my research paper my mother was talking to me about how I am going to pay for college, the idea stressed me out to the point that I began researching bank loans and financial aid. I even started filling out my FAFSA. My body became tense as I started to worry about being able to do all of this in time for me to transfer. My mom helped me calm down and apologized for making me stress about money while I was studying for my finals. I then got back to studying.

Psalms 46: 10 says "Be still and know that I am God "
Such a short verse but it really calm your nerves. Here I was going crazy and being anything BUT still because I forgot that He is God. He is in control and I can relax now. I did my part.
Sometimes we can get angry and stress out about life because of deadlines and money. But take a step back and realize that God there with you and watching you stress out and just waiting until you pray for his help. All He needs if for you to have a little faith in Him to help you in your situation.
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